Saturday, November 26, 2016

Keiko program 2016-11-26

  • Kenko Taiso
  • Bokuto practice
    • taking sword from right side and holding it horizontally at eye's level. Rei. Then to left side.
    • Batto. Shoko. Notto.
    • Batto. Shoko. Stepping forward.
    • Stepping back pointing sword forward.
    • Stepping in zigzag making big loop with bokuto. Forward and backward.
    • Stepping forward: 2 steps, change hanmi, 2 steps.
    • Same thing stepping backwards.
    • Same thing with partner: one going forward, and the other backward.
    • Forget about steps: one person in the center of the room, the other cuts through.
    • Eiko kumite.
  • TSGS with partner.
  • Closing.

Keiko program 2016-11-20

  • warming up led by Dawen
    lots of running...
  • ken-jo jutsu practice
    1. pulling out sword and pointing forward
    2. pulling out sword and cutting behind
    3. then coming back, and cutting behind the other side - making big 8 movements with the sword
    4. wakame with sword - letting oneself be cut
    5. cutting by pulling vs. cutting by pushing
  • Tai-chi practice
    1. pushing energy through oneself down to earth
    2. riding chi
    3. keeping connected to the sea of chi under oneself,
      get a ball of chi and make it roll within your hand
    4. extending the movement - towards kind of "cloud hands"
    5. same thing moving around, rotating one's sphere big or small between one's hands, while keeping connected to earth / riding the sea of chi under oneself.
    6. coming back pushing oneself up through energy.
  • Same Tai Chi movements with partner holding wrists
  • TSGS A-E one hand
  • Closing

Monday, November 14, 2016

Keiko program 2016-11-12

  • Kenko Taiso - Life Exercise
  • jumping with partner. Up and down. Use partner for support, but don't make assumptions.
  • Kaikya Ku Dai - legs and arms wide open, koshi low, feet pointed outwards, loop up and jump forward... and again, across the whole length of the dojo.
  • Wakame Taiso
  • opening and entering
    1. Open/cut space all around you, and enter new space forward. Make sure you have a right time. Try with someone "harassing" you for your attention - just move him/her firmly out of the way, while you step forward at the same / right time.
    2. Imagine that a bird or butterfly comes perch on your finger. Feel the emotion.
    3. Close your hands nicely around the soft creature. Cherish.
    4. Now someone else comes wanting to see it. Check his/her intentions inside of yourself. Then present it to him/her.
    5. Gradually move towards timing A: as you see something (flower, bird, rabbit, cat, etc.) and open to it, the other person wants to see / have it too.
    6. Now imagine you are picking a good nice fruit from the branch of a tree above your head. Same exercise.
    7. TSGS A-E
  • TSGS alone all together 3 times*, with voice.
  • Closing
*actually twice.